Did you hear about the lawyer who was so successful he could afford his own ambulance? Q: Why does Washington, DC have the highest per capita concentration of lawyers while at the same time, New Jersey has the highest per capita concentration of toxic waste dumps? A: New Jersey got first pick. Q: Did you hear about the lawyer who was too big to fit in his coffin? A: They gave him an enema, then buried him in a shoebox. Q: Why don't lawyers go to the beach? A: Cats keep trying to bury them with sand. Q: Why don't lawyers go to the beach? A: Cats keep trying to bury them with sand. "Hey, Billy! My Daddy knew that he was going to die a whole month before it happened!" "Oh, yeah? Who told him?" "The judge!" Q: Did you hear about the lawyer who believed in reincarnation? A: In his will, he left everything to himself. Bumpersnicker - SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL LAWYERS SEND YOUR KID TO MEDICALS SCHOOL Q: "How long is this case going to take?" the car thief asked his lawyer. A: "My part should only take a couple of weeks," the lawyer answered. "But your part will take three to five years." Q: How did the bereaved criminal family honor their son who was electocuted in the chair? A: On each of his birthdays they laid a wreath on their fusebox. Q: What is the difference between an ordinary suit and a lawsuit? A: The client takes the former to be pressed, while the latter is pressed, the client gets cleaned. "All I did was steal a measly turkey. You ought to be able to get me off easily." "It would have been a lot easier," said the Public Defender, "If you hadn't already told everyone about how you preheated the oven before leaving your apartment." Daffynition: legal mind - the ability to think about something which is related to something else without thinking about the thing to which it is related. "How could you possibly swindle all those poor, odd ladies who trusted you out of their life savings?" the judge asked the lawyer. "Well, your Honor," he replied. "Because it is impossible to swindle people who don't trust you." One sight that moves all lawyers to tears: seeing someone squandering all his money and being unable to help him. Judge: "Now, General Waltz, according to my records, you never served a day in the Army. Can you explain to me how you came to be called 'General'?" Defendant: "Well, suh, it's like the 'Honorable' in front of your name - it don't mean a thing." The stern looking judge looked down from his bench at the scrofulous bum who was before him and sarcastically said, "Have you ever in your life earned one honest dollar?" "Sure did, your honor," the bum answered. "When I voted for you in the last election." Q: How is a government worker like a shotgun with a broken firing pin? A: It doesn't work, and you can't fire it. Q: What motivates blondes to take the pill? A: That they can know what day of the week it is. Q: How can you tell that a blonde has been in your refrigerator? A: Lipstick on the cucumbers. Q: What is the best way to stop an Iranian tank attack? A: Shoot the soldiers who are pushing them. Q: What is the ideal form of Jewish sex? A: Simultaneous headaches. Q: What is the object of a Jewish football game? A: To get the quarter back. Q: Why do JAPs close their eyes while having sex? A: So they can fantasize that they're shopping. Q: Did you hear about the paternity suit some chick lodged against Michael Jackson? A: He denied he was the father, but still demanded visitation rights. Q: How do you get an Arkansas woman into an elevator? A: Grease up the door frame, then throw in a Twinkie. Q: What do Vietnamese consider a seven course meal? A: Six puppies and a bowl of rice. Q: What do you get when you cross a Caucasian with a Thai woman? A: Syphilis. Q: How can you tell that the doorbell you're ringing is on a house full of faggots? A: The welcome mat reads, "Please wipe your knees." A lawyer went on vacation to a western dude ranch. He was walking out in a meadow and, suddenly while stepping in a big pile of horse shit, exclaimed, "Oh, No! I'm melting!: Q: What do you call a guy with no arms, no legs and no torso? A: Dick. Q: Why didn't the leper cross the road? A: He didn't have the balls. Q: Did you hear about the blonde whose boyfriend told her that he loved her? A: She believed him. Q: What id the difference between blondes and some traffic signs? A: Some traffic signs say "Stop". Q: What do you call a woman with no arms and no legs holding a coat? A: Peg, Q: Why do men pay more than women for car insurance? A: Because women can't get blowjobs while they are driving. Q: How can you tell when a blonde truly likes you? A: She has sex with you two nights in a row. Q: What happened to the leper who visited Harlem? A: Someone stole his kneecaps. Q: Why are dogs better than kids? A: Because when you get tired of your dog, you can have him put to sleep. Q: How do female Jehovah's Witnessed get inverted nipples? A: From people poking them in the tits and saying, "Get the fuck outta my house." Q: Did you hear the one about the fag who had surgery to have his love handles removed? A: Now he has no ears. Q: What does an 800 pound gerbil do for fun? A: He sticks homos up his ass. Q: Where do one-legged people go for breakfast? A: IHOP. Q: What does every feminist in the world really need? A: A good man to smack some sense into her. Confucius say: Woman who goes toe mans apartment for snack, going to get titbit. Q: What is small, red, and spins around at 2000 RPM? A: A baby picking his nose with a power drill. Q: How do Polish women keep their sons from biting their nails?? A: They make them wear shoes. Q: Why do women have foreheads? A: So you'll have an alternate place to kiss them after you cum in their mouths. Q: Why do Italian men wear gold neck chains? A: So they will know where to stop shaving. Q: What is the difference between driving and getting a blowjob? A: You can only hold one beer can while driving. Q: How can you tell when you've had an excellent blowjob? A: When you have to burp her to get your balls back. Q: Did you hear about the Mexican college student? A: Neither did I. Q: How can you tell if a Polack has been drinking from your toilet? A: His breath smells better. Q: What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs lying on the lawn all night? A: Dewey. Q: What do you get when you cross a Mexican with a Vietnamese? A: A car thief who can't drive. Q: What's worse than finding a dead baby on your pillow in the morning? A: Realizing that you were drunk and made love to it the night before. Q: Why do sumo wrestlers shave their legs? a: They don't want to be mistaken for lesbians. Q: What was the difference between Michael Jackson and acne? A: Acne doesn't usually come on your face until you're fifteen. Q: What happened to the tight end who went to prison? A: He became a wide receiver. The New England Patriots will change their name to the New England Tampons because they are only good for one period and don't have a second string. One reason that a woman can't kick a ball as well as a man is it is easier to kick a man than a ball. Q: What is the difference between a spider and a UCLA cheerleader? A: One only has two hairy legs. Q: What id the definition of a yankee? A: Same as a quickie, only you do it all by yourself. Q: What did Popeye do to keep his favorite tool from rusting? A: Stuck it in Olive Oyl. Q: What did the banana say to the vibrator? A: "What are you shaking for, she's going to EAT me?" Q: What sexual position produces the ugliest babies? A: Ask your mother. Q: What did the sign on the door of the whorehouse say? A: Beat It - We're Closed. Q: What did the Eskimo get from sitting on ice too long? A: Polaroids. Q: What has four legs, is big, green and fuzzy, and would kill you if it fell on you from a tall tree? A: A pool table. Q: WHat kind of coffee was served on the Titanic? A: Sanka. Q: How do you get holy water? A: Boil the hell out of it. Q: How did Pinocchio learn he was made out of wood? A: His hand caught on fire. Q: What is the biggest advantage to having Alzheimer's disease? A: You always get to hear new jokes. Q: Why did the rooster cross the road? A: He heard that the farmer liked to beat his cock. Q: What's blue and doesn't fit? A: A dead epileptic. Q: How can you tell if you're at a bulemic bachelor party? A: At a bulemic bachelor party, the cake jumps out of the girl. Q: Did you hear about the guy who was half Argentinean and half Greek? A: He liked to hide Nazis up his ass. Q: What did Chelsea Clinton say when she asked her daughter if she'd had sex yet? A: "Not by Daddy's definition." Q: What do you call kinky sex with chocolate? A: S&M&M. One sperm asked the other, "How far is it to the ovaries?" The other one responded, "Forget it. We just passed her tonsils." A guy comes home and finds his wife packing her suitcase. "What are you doing?" he asks. "I am moving to Las Vegas," she tells him. "I just learned that I can earn four hundred dollars for doing exactly what I do for you for free!" Immediately he goes over and starts packing HIS suitcase. "Just what are you doing?" she asks him. "I am going with you. I just HAVE to learn how you are going to live on 800 dollars a year." Q: How can you tell when you are getting really old? A: When there are twelve candles on your slice of the birthday cake. This truck driver was speeding down the rural road when he accidentally ran over and killed a big rooster in the road. He stopped at the nearest farm and knocked on the front door. A middle-aged woman answered, and he apologized and explained how he had killed her rooster. "I just want to replace him," he said humbly. "Show me your dick," she said. Bizarre, he though. But she wasn't that bad looking, so he complied. "Not bad," she said. "OK, you'll do. The hens are all out beck near the barn." The lonely young secretary was walking home from work one day, when she notices lamp in the gutter. She picks it up and brushing the dirt off the outside, sees a genie pop out of the spout, and says, "I am the genie of the lamp. I hereby grant you one wish." "That is easy," she said, "I wish that you change my tomcat into a ravishingly handsome, oversexed stud who will ravish the shit out of me the moment I get home!" "Done," responded the genie. When she got home she was greeted at her front door by the sexiest man she had ever seen in her life. "TAke me now!" she demanded. "I would do so gladly," Tom replied. "Unfortunately, you seem to have forgotten that you had me neutered last month." When the illegal alien gets exported from the U.S. he always says, "Farewell". When he illegally enters again, he always says, "Welfare". Q: Why did the 80-year-old woman have to stop wearing her car's seatbelt? A: Every time she buckled up, her tits got in the way. Q: What is the definition of a meat substitute? A: A dildo made from soybeans. Two men were one death row, scheduled to die the same night. The warden asked each if he had any last requests. The first quickly responded, "Yes! I want to hear 'Achy Break Heart' played over the loudspeakers at full blast for one hour." The warden then asked the second condemnee what his last request was. "Please kill me first." Q: What did the faggot hairdresser wish for on his birthday? A: To be teased and blown. Q: How can a faggot tell that it is Spring? A: The gerbil comes out of his asshole and doesn't see its own shadow. Q: Did you hear the one about the gay midget? A: He came out of the cupboard. Q: What is the difference between a faggot and a suppository? A: About four inches. Q: Why did the San Francisco Police Department fire all their gay detectives? A: Because they blew all their cases. Q: Why do fags always act like such pricks? A: You are what you eat. Q: What do you call a fag who's into bondage and discipline? A: A sucker for punishment. Q: Why did the faggot get fired from the Hershey's factory/ A: He didn't pack enough fudge. Q: What is Tupac spelled backwards? A: Caput. Q: What do you call it when a rapper dies in a drive-by shooting? A: A rap hit everyone can enjoy. Q: What is the difference between a poor Jew and a rich Jew? A: A poor Jew has to wash his own Mercedes. Q: What is the Italian definition of "bigamist"? A: A very dense fog bank. Q: Why did the black guy try to breed an octopus with a chicken? A: He wanted everyone is his family to receive a leg. Q: How can you always tell the groom at a Polish wedding? A: He's the one wearing the clean bowling shirt. Q: How did the Polish butcher fall behind in his work? A: He backed into a meat grinder. Q: What is a Puerto Rican vacation? A: Hanging out on the neighbor's stoop with a six pack. Q: How do they define safe sex in Montana? A: They brand the sheep that kick. Q: What is a politician's idea of safe sex? A: No press. Q: What do you call a rock star with PMS? A: John Cougar Menstrual-cramp. Q: What is the difference between oral sex and Christmas? A: At Christmas it is better to give than to receive. The wife of a Hell's Angel goes to a fortune teller, who says, "Prepare to become a widow. Your husband is going to die soon." "Yeah. I know, but will I be acquitted?" Q: Why do blondes use pencil on their eyebrows? A: They have to draw the line somewhere. Q: What is the difference between a money launderer and a congressman? A: Once and awhile, the money launderer passes a good bill. Daffynition: Hysterectomy. When you remove the nursery, but keep the playpen. Q: What do you get when you cross a rooster with a chick who works for AT&T? A: A cock that wants to reach out and touch someone. Q: Why did the Japanese Leper commit suicide? A: Because he lost face. Q: What is the definition of real pain? A: Jumping off the Empire State Building and catching your eyelid on a nail. Q: What is the definition of a lesbian? A: A woman trying to do a man's job. Q: How can you tell you're in a Harlem high school? A: The school newspaper has an Obituary page. So this Jewish guy comes home from work early and sees a plumber's truck parked in his driveway. He prays, "Please God, let her be having an affair." Q: How did Bill Clinton slow down inflation? A: He handed it over to the Post Office. Q: Why was Michael Jackson forced to quit the Cub Scouts? A: Because he was up to a pack a day. Q: Why did they have to take the John Wayne toilet paper off the market? A: Because it wouldn't take whit off anybody. Q: What does the acronym MAGIC in Magic Johnson stand for? A: "Mah Ass Got infected, Coach." Q: What is the Spanish name for Rodney King? A: Pinata. Q: How did Jim Bakker meet Tammy Faye? A: They were both dating Jimmy Swaggert. Q: How can a buy tell when he is really getting old? A: When he spends the whole night with a hot chick, and the only thing that comes is the dawn, Q: What is the difference between an "in-law" and an "out-law"? A: The "out-law" doesn't want to live in your guest house. Q: Why did the girl leave the convent? A: She found out that "Nun" really meant "none". Q: How do you know when it is time to stop screwing doggie-style? A: When your girlfriend starts chasing cars. Q: What is another definition of an optimist? A: An accordion player with a beeper. Q: What is the definition of an optimist? A: A promiscuous faggot with an IRA. Q: How do you get twenty yuppies into a minivan? A: Promote one and watch the other twenty climb up his ass. Q: What is a typical WASP menage a trois? A: Two headaches and a hardon. Q: What do you call two chicks in a freezer? A: Cold cunts. Q: What is the definition of an overbite? A: When you're 69ing and suddenly you taste shit. Q: What are brownie points? A: Things you find in a Brownie's bra. Q: What is the definition of a lap dog? A: A really ugly chick who gives great head. So, this guy goes to the barber for a haircut, and the barber points out that there is a curly blond hair lodged in his moustache. "Where'd this come from?" "Oh, that? Every morning before I leave I give my wife a kiss on the head." "Unfortunately," the barber replies, "that doesn't explain the shit all over your necktie." Q: What do you call a blonde between two brunets? A: A mental block. Q: What is the difference between eating sushi and eating pussy? A: The rice. Q: What is the definition of a moron? A: A guy who believes his wife went to church when she brings home a Gideon Bible. Q: Did you hear the one about the priest who gave up drinking? A: It was the longest ten minutes of his life. Q: What do you call a German with a hardon? A: A frau-loader. Q: What is the difference between a girlfriend and a toothbrush? A: A guy won't let his friends borrow his toothbrush. Q: What was Helen Keller's favorite mouthwash? A: Hand lotion. Daffynition: Artificial insemination - A technical knock-up. Q: Why do blondes like cars with sunroofs? A: More legroom. Q: What is the definition of a Jewish "10"? A: A chick with two tits and seven million dollars. Q: What happens when a straight guy walks into a gay bar for the first time? A: He feels a little queer. Q: What is considered a mixed marriage in San Francisco? A: A couple who are heterosexual. Q: What did Helen Keller say when she picked up a matzo? A: "This is good. Who wrote it?" A faggot checks in to a hospital to have an operation. The next morning the surgeon checks in to see how his patient is doing. "How are you doing this morning?" he asked. "OK, doc, but I have an important question," the man says. "How soon can I resume my normal sex life?" "I'm not sure," the doctor replied. "No one but you has ever asked me that question after a tonsillectomy." Q: How does a Greek firing squad line up? A: One behind the other. Q: What does a faggot get after he's been gang-raped? A: A full moon. Q: Why do Canadians do it doggie style? A: So they can both watch the hockey game on TV. Q: Did you hear about the horny Indian? A: He jumped into his canoe, took three strokes, the shot across the lake. Q: What did the hunter do when he learned that his wife was having an affair with his best friend? A: He ran home and shot his dog. Q: What do you call a male concubine? A: A concubone. Q: How do you find an old man in the dark? A: It's not hard. Q: Why was everyone so happy at the donkey roast? A: They all got a piece of ass. Q: What is a car accident? A: Getting pregnant in the back seat. Q: How do you graduate from Hooker U? A: Some-a Cum Louder. Q: What does a chick with a yeast infection do? A: Scratch and sniff. Q: What is the difference between poverty and a JAP? A: Poverty sucks. Q: Why don't Frenchmen eat flies? A: They can't get their tiny little legs apart. Q: How is watching TV like incest? A: The whole family does it together. Q: Did you hear about the blonde lesbian who was extremely dumb? A: She had sex with men. Q: What do you call lesbian twins? A: Lick-alikes. Q: Why is Martina Navratilova not allowed to play tennis in the Netherlands? A: Because she wants to stick her finger into every dike she sees. Q: How is a queer like a grocery store? A: They both take meat deliveries in the rear. Q: Did you hear about the queer burglar? A: He couldn't blow the safe, so he went down on the elevator. Q: What's an organ grinder? A: A queer with a chipped tooth. Q: Why did the faggot's car insurance get canceled? A: Because he got rear-ended too often. Q: How dies a lesbian hold her liquor? A: By her hair. First lesbo: Let's do lunch. Second lesbo: Who eats whom? When Rock Hudson arrived at the Pearly Gates, St Peter refused to let him in because he had heard that Rock had eaten a parakeet. He vehemently denied having done so, but after close questioning, confessed to having eaten a cockatoo. Q: What do you call a Chinese fag? A: Chew man chew. Q: What do you call an Irish fag? A: A Gay lick. Q: What do two lesbians get when they decide to get married? A: A liquor license. Q: Why did the faggot decide not to sell his car? A: He found out he could blow the horn. Q: What do you call oral sex between Yuppies? A: Sixty-something. "So, shoot it to me straight, Doc," the emaciated man asked the doctor, "Exactly how much time do you think I have left to live?" "Let me put it to you this way, Mr Jones. If I were you, I wouldn't start watching any TV miniseries." Q: What does the blinking neon sign say above Frank's 24 Hour Abortion Clinic? A: You Rape 'Em, We Scrape 'Em -- No Fetus Can Beat Us! "Mommy! Mommy! Why is Daddy running back and forth across the field?" "Shut up and reload." "Mommy! Mommy! Can't we give Daddy a decent burial?" "Shut up, and keep flushing." Q: What do you get when you pile four dead babies on top of each other? A: A stool. "Mommy! Mommy! There's a mole on Grandma's leg!" "Shut up and eat around it." Q: What do you do when your baby dies on Thanksgiving Day? A: Stuff the turkey with it. Q: What do you get when you cover four dead babies with a piece of glass? A: A coffee table. Q: What do you do with twin dead babies? A: Use one to swat the flies off the other. Q: What have you got when you strap a dead baby to each foot? A: Slippers. Q: What type of floor cleaner do hookers use? A: Mop and Blow. Q: Why are men better off than women? A: They marry later and die sooner. Q: What happened to the Mafia don who had sex with another man's fat wife? A: He got bumped off. Q: Did you hear about the new religion called Jehovah's Bystanders? A: That's a Witness who doesn't want to get involved. Q: Did you hear about the Tupac Shakur cocktail? A: Five shots and you're in a wheelchair. Q: What did Nicole say to Ron Goldman? A: Bring the glasses over...it won't kill you. Q: What is the definition of happiness? A: A mosquito on Dolly Parton's left tit. Q: What did Jeffrey Dahmer and a taxidermist have in common? A: They both mount the dead. Q: How did Stevie Wonder pierce his ears? A: He answered the stapler. Q: What did Buckwheat (of the Little Rascals) change his name to when he became a Muslim? A: Kareem of Wheat. Q: How did Woody Allen's new girlfriend die? A: Crib death. Q: What do good scotch whiskey and Woody Allen's girlfriend have in common? A: They are both twelve years old. Q: What did Jeffrey Dahmer get when he came home late for dinner? A: The cold shoulder. Q: Where did Teddy Kennedy used to wind up after a long night of drinking? A: On the Senate floor. Q: What is the difference between Crooked Hitlery (Clinton) and a hooker? A: Crooked Hitlery only gives snow jobs. Q: What did Michael Jackson and a jockey have in common? A: Both liked to ride four year olds. Q: Why is OJ Simpson called OJ? A: He beats his wife to a pulp. Q: What does the O J in OJ Simpson stand for? A: Open Jugular. Q: Did you hear that OJ Simpson is trying to get married again? A: He figured he'd take another stab at it. Q: What did Ron Goldman say to Nicole at the Pearly Gates? A: Here's your fucking sunglasses. Q: What was OJ Simpson's favorite soda? A: Diet Slice. Q: What was OJ Simpson like in high school? A: He would always cut class. Q: What was OJ's favorite store? A: Sharper Image. Q: What was the one condition Lisa Marie Presley put on Michael Jackson's marriage proposal? A: "No more night out with the boys." Q: What was the draft-dodging Slick Willie's worst mistake in the Paula Jones affair? A: He didn't get Teddy Kennedy to drive her home. Q: How could you pick up David Koresh's girlfriend? A: With a dust buster. Q: What did they say after Michael Jackson had plastic surgery? A: "He cut off his nose to spite his race." Q: What was the difference between Neil Armstrong and Michael Jackson? A: One was the first man to walk on the moon, and the other would fuck little boys up the ass. Q: Why could John Wayne Bobbit never become a movie star? A: Because every time the director yelled, "Cut"" he'd faint. Q: What is the definition of a Texan? A: A Mexican on his way to Oklahoma. Q: Where do Puerto Ricans go for family outings? A: To Spick-nics. Q: Why do Puerto Ricans like to watch baseball? A: They love to run an steal. Q: Why do Mexicans wear moustaches? A: They want to look like their mothers. Q: Why don't Italian teens have pimples? A: They keep sliding off their faces. Q: What is the difference between an Italian girl and a pizza? A: There is less cheese on the pizza. Q: What do you get when you cross an Indian with a Jew? A: Chief So-Sioux Me. Q: Why do Jews prefer skinny women? A: So when they marry them, they can purchase smaller rings. Q: What do you call a black skin diver? A: Jacques Custodian. Q: What do you get when you cross a Jew and a Gypsy? A: A chain of empty stores. Q: What is the fastest way to get an Italian out of the bathtub? A: Turn on the water. Q: What is the difference between a golf pro and a Jew? A: A golf pro gives tips. Q: How are Jews and crime alike? A: They both don't pay. Q: What do you call on Oriental voyeur? A: Peking Tom. Q: What do you call white people in Detroit? A: Police. Q: What is the ASPCA? A: A Mexican singles bar. Q: Why do black kids frequently disbelieve in Santa Claus? A: They know no white man is coming to their neighborhood after dark. Q: Why do Italian mothers frequently not attend their daughter's wedding? A: Somebody has to stay home with the baby. Q: Did you hear about the golfer who killed a Puerto Rican? A: He shot a hole in Juan. Q: Did you hear about the Jewish Santa Claus? A: He came down the chimney and said, "OK, kids, who wants to buy some toys?" Q: What is deadlier in Haiti, AIDS, or bullets? A: Who cares? Q: Who is the richest Haitian in the world? A: A Haitian cab driver in New York City. Q: What is the difference between a fag and a black man? A: The black man never has to inform his mother that he's black. Q: Why are there so few Jewish alcoholics? A: Because it le dulls the pain. Q: What is the biggest Jewish dilemma? A: Ham at half price. Q: What's the difference between a chess player and a Jewish American Princess having sex? A: Every once and a while, the chess player will make a move. A Jewish boy went next door to play with the boy who lived there. "I can't play with you Moshe, because my father said you're Jewish." "No problem, Billy! We won't play for money?" Q: Why are there so many single Jewish girls? A: They haven't yet met Dr. Right. Q: What is the best thing about the Japanese Yakuza? A: When they take you for a ride, you get great mileage! Q: What is the difference between black families and white families? A: In black families, it's the father who runs away from home. Q: What kind of workers do they have in starving Ethiopia? A: Blue cholera and white cholera. Q: What was the first Israeli settlement? A: Six cents on the dollar. Q: What did the fifteen year old Puerto Rican receive for his fifteenth birthday present? A: Bail. Q: What is a seven course dinner in Korea? A: Six puppies and a pound of rice. Q: How do you fit 100 starving Ethiopians into a Volkswagen? A: Throw in a bean. Q: What do you call a swollen big toe on an starving Ethiopian? A: A golf club. A black man is in church one Sunday when he asks, "God, why did you make me so dark?" God responded, "I made you so dark so that when you're running through the jungle, you won't get sun stroke." Then the black man asked, "Lord, why did you make my hair so coarse?" "I made your hair coarse so that when you are running through the jungle, your hair wouldn't get caught in the brambles." "Well, Lord, then why did you make my legs so long?" "I made your legs so long so that when you are running through the jungle, you will be able to keep up with whatever game you may be chasing." "So my last question, Lord, is why to fuck am I in the middle of Detroit?" Q: Did you hear about the Iraqi soldier who deserted his whole outfit? A: He stood his ground. Q: What did McDonald's serve in starvation-plagued Ethiopia? A: McNothing. Q: How can you tell you're in a Mexican restaurant? A: The waiter pours your glass of water and then warns you not to drink it. Bumpersnicker seen in Tennessee: Guns Don't Kill People - I Do A fifteen year old Italian girl comes home from school and tells her mother that she is pregnant. "Who did it? Who a-made you pregnant?" "I don't know. You a-know you wouldn't let me go steady." Q: What did the black kid take in high school? A: Algebra, history, and leather jackets. An Italian has a job cooking chickens for a restaurant, and decides to spice up his job by singing Italian opera while he cooks. A man stops outside, listening to his singing. "You stop because you like-a my singing, yes?" "Your singing is good, but did you notice that your monkey is on fire?" Q: Why did the Jewish woman get kicked off the jury she was on? A: She kept insisting that SHE was guilty. While the old Jewish man, Moshe, was lying on his deathbed, his wife, Sadie, said, "Dear, do you have a last wish?" "Yes, that cake you're baking really smells good. May I have a slice?" "No, Moshe, that's for after the funeral." Q: WHy did Jesse HighJackson decide not to run for President? A: His wife got caught posing for National Geographic. Q: Why did the Italian guy spit in his mother's face? A: To put out the fire in her moustache. Q: Did you hear about the man from Arkansas who married his own sister? A: He was relatively happy. Q: What do you get when you cross a word processor with a Jewish American Princess? A: A system that will not go down. A priest said to a rabbi, "Rabbi, have you ever eaten any pork?" "Well, once when I gave in to temptation, I ate a ham sandwich. Now let me ask you a question. Have you ever been with a woman?" "Yes, about two years ago I had sex with a prostitute who was a member of my parish." "And what was your opinion of that situation?" "Well," the priest said, smiling. "It sure beat the hell out of a ham sandwich!" Q: Did you hear about the new National Geographic special on Iraqi birds? A: It shows three of them surrendering to one worm. Q: Did you hear about the new appliance specifically for Italian women? A: It is an electric back shaver. Q: Did you hear about the Iranian general who had to be institutionalized with delusions of grandeur? A: He thought he was an Israeli corporal. Q: How can you tell that an obscene caller is Polish? A: He makes his calls collect. Picasso was walking down the sidewalk in Paris when a group of robbers burst out of a bank in front of him, hopped into a getaway car, and sped off. Mere moments later, the gendarmes arrived and, happy to learn that Picasso was an artist, asked him to draw a sketch of the suspects. Half an hour later the gendarmes went out and arrested the Eiffel Tower, three nuns, and a flower cart. Q: What was the most important thing a chick could have on her when dating Slick Willie? A: The rape hotline number. Q: What did the German Army and Roseanne Barr have in common? A: They both lost the Battle of the Bulge. Q: What did Saddamy Hussein and panty hose have in common? A: They both rubbed Bush the wrong way. Q: Why was the little red schoolhouse red? A: If you had eight periods, you'd be red, too. Q: Why did the redneck cross the road? A: His dick was stuck in the chicken. Q: Did you hear about the girl who was extremely ugly? A: Guys only wanted to play dress poker with her. Q: Why will the meek inherit the earth? A: Because they don't have the balls to refuse it. Q: What caused the man to realize that his wife was cheating on him? A: When he bought a used car and found her old dress in the back seat. Q: What is a good clue that you have too many zits? A: When a blind guys tries to read your face. Q: How does a bulimic chick feed her cat? A: She throws up in its dish. YOU KNOW YOU'RE A REDNECK IF: 1. Your father walks you to school because he's in the same grade. 2. Someone asks you for I. D. and you show him your belt buckle. 3. You go to family reunions to pick up women. Q: How many New Yorkers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? A: None of your fucking business. Q: What is brown and sounds like a bell? A: Dung. Q: What is the definition of ridiculous? A: A hooker who sues you for sexual harassment. Q: Why dud the leper have to quit working out at the gym? A> He threw his back out. Q: What do census takers do in Ukraine? A: They add up all the arms and legs and divide by four. Q: What do women wear in Ukraine? A: Tank tops. Q: Did you hear about the Jehovah's Witness with Alzheimer? A: He would knock on your door for no reason. Q: What is well-cooked and comes on a stick? A: Joan of Arc. Q: Did you hear about the Bosnian football team? A: They caught a lot of bombs. Q: Why did the Polish couple freeze to death? A: The drive-in movie they attended was "Closed for the Winter". Q: Did you hear about the Polish chick who went into nursing? A: She had to quit when she ran out of milk. Q: Did you hear about the Polack who bit his tongue? A: He decided to eat the rest. Q: What is the most popular booth at a Polish carnival? A: Bobbing for french fries. Q: How did the Polack break his arm raking leaves? A: He fell out of the tree. Q: Why don't Polacks eat pickles? A: Because they can't fit their heads into the jars. Q: What job is nonexistent in Poland? A: A brain surgeon. Q: What do you call a Polack with an IQ of 176? A: A village. Q: Why didn't the Polack go to see "Malcolm X"? A: Because he hadn't seen the first nine. Q: Why don't Polacks like to talk to themselves? A: They get so many dumb answers. Q: How can you tell a Polish chick is having her period? A: She is only wearing one sock. Q: Why do flies have wings? A: So that they can beat Polacks to the garbage cans. Q: How do wives resemble laxatives? A: Because they irritate the shit out of you. A woman goes to the family doctor. She says, "Doctor, I have a problem. Every night when we go to bed, my husband falls asleep with his erect penis still inside me." "And just how," queried the doctor, "Does that constitute a problem?" "Because he walks in his sleep." Q: Why is a beer better than a woman? A: Because a beer doesn't get angry when you grab another beer. Q: Why are hangovers better than women? A: Because hangovers go away. Q: Why did God create Woman? A: Because sheep are such lousy cooks. Q: What is a nymphomaniac's definition of extreme frustration? A: A guy with a fourteen inch dick AND herpes. Q: Why do husbands keep lying to their wives? A: Because wives keep asking questions. Q: What's better than a cold Bud? A: A warm Busch. Q: What do you get when you cross 50 lesbians with 50 politicians? A: 100 people who don't do dick. Q: What is the favorite bread of faggots? A: Humper-nickel. Q: What do you call a gay fruit? A: A fig-git. Q: What do you call a faggot masochist? A: A sucker for punishment. Q: Did you hear about the new national AIDS hotline number? A: It is 1-800-TOO-LATE. Q: What is a 71) A: A 69 plus two fingers up your ass. Q: What is the most popular comic book among teenaged boys in San Francisco? A: Teenage Mutant Ninja Gerbils. Q: How many faggots does it take to mug an old lady? A: Five: four to hold her down, and one to do her hair. Q: How did the young guy know he was ambi-sexual? A: He was only half in Earnest. Q: What happens to gay Eskimos? A: They get cool-AIDS. Q: How do faggots play Russian Roulette?7 A: They pass around six boys, one of whom has AIDS. Q: What did the Polack say when he found a milk carton in the grass? A: "Look! It's a cow's nest!" Q: What did the Polish mother say to her blonde daughter, who she just learned was pregnant? A: "Don't worry, honey. Maybe it's not yours." Q: What do you call a Polack with half a brain? A: Gifted. Q: Why did the Polish woman take swimming lessons? A: She wanted to become a hooker in Venice. Q: Why couldn't the Polack get a job as a town idiot? A: He was overqualified. Q: Did you hear about the Polish sky diver? A: He was killed when his snorkel and flippers failed to open. Q: What happened when a Greek and a Polack jumped off the Empire State building at the same instant? A: The Greek got killed. The Polack got lost. Q: What do most patients in Irish hospitals have in common? A: They were all IRA explosives experts. A man walks out of a house in Belfast. Another guy walks up to him, puts a gun to his head, and says, "Are you Catholic or Protestant?" Deathly afraid of being murdered, the quick-thinking man replies, "Neither! I am Jewish!" "Then I must be luckiest guy in all of Ireland!" shouts the guy, "I am an Arab!" Q: What is Preparation H? A: Toothpaste for Polacks. Q: What's the best way to grow dope? A: Plant a Polack. Q: How are Jewish mothers and elephants alike? A: Neither one ever forgets. Q: How do you get a dozen Mexicans out of a VW bug? A: Throw in a bar of soap. Q: What about the redneck who set up a trust fund for his wife? A: She couldn't touch it until she turned 14. Q: How do they make Polish sausage? A: From retarded pigs. Q: What is the difference between taxes and a Jewish American Princess? A: Taxes suck. Q: What was the difference between Teddy Kennedy and the entire Polish Army? A: Teddy Kennedy had at least one confirmed kill. Q: What do you call an Arab with a goat under one arm and a goat under the other? A: Bisexual. Q: How does a Greek firing squad line up? A: One behind the other. Q: What do you call a guy who is half Polish and half Chinese? A: Sum Dum Fuck. Q: How did the Polack get his head cut off? A: Trying to feed breadcrumbs to a helicopter. Q: How dies a Jewish American Princess do it doggie style? A: She rolls over and plays dead. Q: Why did the Polixh Grandmother get her tubes tied? A: She didn't to have any more grandchildren. Q: What caused the death of a Polish hemophiliac? A: When he went to an acupuncturist. Q: What was the name of the Chinese shoe salesman? A: Wing Tip Shoo. Q: How are Polacks like laxatives? A: They irritated the shit out of you. Q: Did you hear about the Polack who robbed a lawyer? A: He came out $100 in the hole. Q: How are Jewish mothers like parole officers? A: They never let anyone finish a sentence. Q: Why do pigeons always fly upside down when passing aver Italy? A: Because there is nothing beneath them worth shitting on. Q: Why did the Polack collect burned out lightbulbs? A: He was building a darkroom. Q: What do you call an Italian who chases garbage trucks? A: A galloping gourmet. Q: Why didn't Poland have a zoo? A: The government didn't want to build a fence around it. Q: Why are there no Polish monks? A: Because the vow of silence includes farting. Q: You know that a girl is super ugly when... A1: The welcome wagon burns a cross on her lawn. A2: The neighborhood peeping tom pulls DOWN her shade. A3: She has her face capped. A4: She won a malpractice suit against her parents. A5: When she leaves the beauty parlor, they ask her to use the back door. Q: Did you hear about the girl who was super ugly? A: Her gynecologist would only examine her by mail. Q: Did you hear about the girl who got her good looks from her father? A: He was a plastic surgeon. Q: What did the Unabomber have in common with a girl from Arkansas? A: They both got fingered by their brother. Q: What is the leading manufacturer of vibrators? A: Genital Electric. Q: How can you tell when your girlfriend is getting too fat? A: When the guy from Prudential tries to sell her group insurance. Q: What are the two definitions of old age? A1: When all the girls in your little black book are now grandmothers. A2: When not only can you not cut the mustard, but you can't even open the jar. Q: Why did the Polish burglar break out two windows on the house? A: One to get in and one to get out. Q: Why did the girl stop dating the cannibal? A: He just wanted her for her body. Q: How can you tell you're in the office of a really bad doctor? A: All the plants in the waiting room are dead. Q: What was the first lie ever told? A: Adam to Eve: "Here, eat this apple. It will make your tits bigger." Q: How are old men like babies? A: They both like being Pampered. Q: What is the difference between a slut and a toothbrush? A: You don't let your friends borrow your toothbrush. Q: Why don't fat dykes wear yellow? A: They don't want to be mistaken for taxicabs. Q: How are men like microwaves? A: They get hot really fast, then after 30 seconds, go off. Q: What is the definition of a dyke? A: A woman trying to do a man's work. Q: Have you heard about the new horror movie playing in Saudom Arabia? A: It's called Iraqnaphobia. Q: What do you get when you have 30 mether chicks in the same room? A: A full set of teeth. Q: What did Saddamy Insane and Little Miss Muffet have in common? A: They both had Kurds in the way. Q: What's the difference between a priest and a faggot? A: The way they pronounce "A-men". Q: Why did the fag strip naked and tie a string to his dick? A: He was headed for a costume party dressed as a pull toy. Q: Did you hear about the new VD transmitted by lesbian sex? A: It's called MAIDS. Q: Who did the fag hire to find out if he'd contracted AIDS? A: Dick Tracer. Three California surgeons were playing golf one Saturday morning and they started to brag on their accomplishments. The first one said "I had a patient that cut off four fingers on a table saw and I reattached them so well he now is playing the guitar in a band!" The second doctor said "I had a patient who was in a bad motorcycle accident and lost his leg and arm. I reattached them and now he's training for the Olympic gymnast team!" The third said "That's pretty good, but I had a patient who was riding her horse down a railroad track and was hit by a high-speed train. All they could find was the horse's ass and her hair. I put them together and now she's the Speaker of the House.” Q: What do you get from a Puerto Rican fag? A: Foreign AIDS. Q: Why did the gay shepherd go broke? A: Because his whole flock died of AIDS. Q: Did you hear why the gay soldier put shoe polish in his Vaseline? A: So he could rise and shine. Q: What is the difference between AIDS and golf? A: In golf, a bad hole won't kill you. Q: Did you hear about the new gay football team? A: They are called San Francisco 69ers. Q: What happens in a gay western? A: All the good guys are hung. Q: The doctor at the medical school asked his pupils, "What would be the best thing to do for a child born without a penis?" A: "Wait until she turns 18, then give her one!" cheerfully answered his bright and horny male student. Q: Did you hear what showed just how rough things were at the Recruiter's office? A: After a while they started accepting midgets pasted together. Q: You probably know that a leper's two favorite songs are "Put Your Head On My Shoulders" and "I Wanna Hold Your Hand." But did you know what his third and fourth favorite songs are? A: "I'm All Shook Up" and "Falling to Pieces". Q: What do you call a vet whose lower legs were blown off by a mine? A: Neal. Q: What do you call a hairlip guy who lies on the bottom of the bath tub? A: Dwayne. Q: What do you call a chick who still loves making hamburgers? A: Wendy. Q: How did Helen Keller rip her arm off? A: Trying to read a stop sign at 55 miles per hour. Q: What's the difference between a guy who has been a leper for ten years and a tree? A: The tree has limbs. Q: Why did the Siamese twins move to London? A: So the other one could drive. Q: What compliment can you pay to a chick with neither arms nor legs? A: Nice tits! Q: What do you call the Pope's bowel movement? A: A holy shit. Q: What do you get when you cross a Jehovah's Witness with a Hell's Angel? A: Someone who knocks on your door at 7:30 on Saturday morning, then tells you to go fuck yourself. Q: Hear about the chick who sent out two hundred perfumed Valentine's Day cards signed "Guess Who"? A: She's a divorce lawyer. Q: What do you call a prostitute who works a through way exit? A: A tollhouse cookie. Q: What's another name for a gynecologist's office? A: A womb roon. Q: Did you hear the one about the sex maniac who had asthma? A: He could only catch his breath in snatches. Q: Did you hear about the chick who swallowed a razor blade on Monday? A: By Thursday she had given herself a hysterectomy, castrated her husband, circumcised her boyfriend, and given her priest a harelip. Q: What do you call a chick pilot with VD? A: An aircraft carrier. It took three years for Suzy to wise up to the fact that going to a shrink wasn't doing her any good at all: now she was broke, when to start with she'd only been cracked. Q: How did the nympho have a heart like the US Army? A: Because it was open to any man between 18 and 35 years old. Q: Why couldn't the WAVE get pregnant aboard ship during a typhoon? A: Because all the seamen kept falling to the floor. Q: What do you call a hooker's favorite drink? A: A Penis Colada. Q: What is the perfect name for a dog with three legs? A: Tippy. Q: How does an elephant get off an oak tree? A: He sits on an acorn and waits. Q: How do you find a fox's hole? A: Lift its tail. Q: What successful slogan did that combination veterinarian / taxidermist use? A: Either way, you get your pet back. Q: What is the perfect name for a virgin parrot? A: Polly-unsaturated. Q: Which animal wears the biggest brassiere? A: The Z-bra. Q: What does Sinead O'Connor do after she combs her hair? A: She pulls up her pants. Q: What did Ted Bundy and Leonard Bernstein have in common? A: They were both excellent conductors. Q: Arnold Schwarzenegger has a long one. Bush has a short one. The Pope has one but never uses it. Madonna doesn't have one. What is it? A: A last name. Q: Why have they still not cremated Colonel Sanders? A: They still haven't decided: Regular of Extra Crispy. Q: What happened when Jesse HiJackson looked up his family tree? A: A monkey pissed on him. Q: What happens when Dolly Parton drops a Walkman between her boobs? A: The hills come to life with the sound of music. Q: What is brown and smells and wants to hold your hand? A: John Lennon. Q: What famous movie star comes to mind when you see a guy with a beard smoking a cigar? A: Lassie, taking a shit. Q: Did you hear that Harrison Ford made a porn movie? A: It's called "In Diana Jones." The dentist was shocked when the super hot chick opened her mouth and he observed that all her teeth were broken. "What happened to you?" he asked. "I was going down on Clark Kent, when all of a sudden his dick turned to steel." Q: Did you hear about the new Dolly Parton doll? A: You plug it in and the tits swell up. George Washington said, "I cannot tell a lie." Obamarx said, "I cannot tell the truth." Plagiarist Joe the Bumbler said, "What was that question you just asked me?" Q: What do Madonna and a Boeing 747 have in common? A: They both have a black box. Q: Did you hear why Richard Gere had to go to the hospital? A: He had to have a mole removed. Q: How is sex like life insurance? A: The older you get, the more expensive it is. An old man was walking on the sidewalk, and saw a little boy sitting on the curb and crying. "Why are you crying, little boy?" "Because I can't do the things that all the big boys can do!" At that, the old man sat next to him and started sobbing bitterly. Q: What's the best thing about turning 65? A: No more phone calls from life insurance salesmen. The lawyer entered the brig, where his freshly- convicted to death Army Private sat, and said, "I have some good news and some bad news for you." "First give me the bad news," he answered. "I couldn't get your sentence commuted; you're going to fry in the electric chair tomorrow at dawn." "Holy shit! Then what's the good news?" "I got your voltage reduced." "Don't let me pressure you, Mrs Jones," said the high-pressure salesman. "Why don't you sleep on it, and then call me in the morning, IF you wake up." "Hey, Mom!" exclaimed the bride-to-be. "Lennie just passed his bar exam, now we can get married next week!" "Gee, I don't know," Mom replied hesitantly. "Don't you think you should wait until he has been practicing for a year or so?" "Oh, Mom!" retorted the bride to be with a blush. "We've BEEN practicing!" When Mr Smith was audited by the IRS, they took exception for certain claimed deductions. One was the birth of his daughter. "No, that deduction was for her. She was born in January." "So?" said the auditor. "That obviously," he continued, "was last year's business." Q: Have you heard about the "Tempura House"? A: It's a halfway house for lightly battered women. Q: What is the definition of a "virgin soldier" in the El Salvadoiran army? A: A soldier who has not raped a nun, yet. Q: What do you call one pervert too many? A: An extrovert. Q: What is the quickest way to become a millionaire? A: Become a plastic surgeon, then work part time. Q: What is the difference between an accordion player and brain surgery? A: You get an anesthetic for brain surgery. Q: How do you get a DeadHead off your front porch? A: You pay for the pizza. Q: What were the last words that Dodi Fayed said to his chauffeur? A: "I said I wanted to fuck Di in the tunnel, not fucking die in the tunnel." Q: What is the difference between a guitar player and a mutual fund? A: Eventually, the mutual fund will mature and start making money. Q: What is the definition of the word "sadist"? A: A proctologist who stores his rectal thermometer in the refrigerator. Q: Why is the Catholic church now going to permit priests to get married? A: So they can find out what Hell is really like. Q: Did you hear about the blind skunk? A: For 50 minutes, he had a conversation with a fart. Q: How are men like blenders? A: Women need them, but they are not sure why. Q: How can a husband tell that his wife is cheating on him? A: When he buys a used car and finds his wife's dress in the backseat. Morris' wife of forty years passes away and the mortician asks him, "So, do you want her buried, embalmed, or cremated?" "Why take a chance. Do all three." Q: Why do men keep lying to their wives? A: Because they keep asking questions. Abe is approaching his fiftieth birthday with dread when his friend Sam says, "Don't worry, Abe. "You know what they say: Life begins at fifty." Abe says, "Yeah, but everything else starts to wear out, fall apart, or spread out." Q: What is another definition of "middle age"? A: When it starts taking longer to get rested than is does to get tired. Q: What is one definition of "middle age"? A: When work is a lot less fun and fun is a lot more work. Q: What is the best way to live forever? A: Live modestly, gets lots of sleep, and lie about your age. Q: What is the difference between an oral thermometer and a rectal thermometer? A: The taste. Q: What is the difference between "ooooh" and "aaaah"? A: For chicks, it's about three inches. Q: What do you get when you play New Age music backwards? A: New Age music. Q: How many female Country Western singers does it take to sing "Crazy"? A: All of them. Q: What do you call a turtle with a hardon? A: A slowpoke. Q: What is the difference between a tick and a lawyer? A: The tick falls off when you die. Q: What is a Tupac Shakur cocktail? A: Five shots and you're dead. Q: What was the only thing Michael Jackson hated about having sex? A: Getting the bubble gum off his dick. Q: What is the best thing about living next to a Hare Krishna? A: You get a free ride to the airport. Q: What do you call a DeadHead who just broke up with his girlfriend? A: Homeless. Q: How can you tell when a Deadhead has just burgled your house? A: All your thongs are missing. Q: What was Johnny Cockring's theory of jurisprudence? A: A man is innocent until proven broke. Q: What did Cher and a pine tree have in common? A: They both got nailed by Sonny Bono. Q: Did you hear about Crooked Hitlery's latest book? A: It was entitled: It Takes a Village...to Keep My Husband Satisfied. Q: What game did the Draft-dodging Slick Willie the Impeached Rapist most enjoy playing with Monica Lewinsky in the White House? A: Swallow the leader. Q: What does Teddy Kennedy have that the Draft-dodging Slick Willie the Impeached Rapist doesn't? A: A dead girlfriend. Q: What did Teddy Kennedy say to the Draft-dodging Slick Willie the Impeached Rapist? A: Why didn't you just drown the bitch. Q: How did the Draft-dodging Slick Willie the Impeached Rapist paralyze Crooked Hitlery from the waist down? A: He married her. Q: What are the five shortest books ever written? A1: My Plan to Find the Real Killer, by OJ Simpson. A2: Mike Tyson's Guide to Dating Etiquette. A3: All the Men I've Loved Before, by Ellen Degenerate. A4: George Foreman's Big Book of Baby Names. A5: LiberAl Gore: The Wild Years. Q: What is the difference between a husband and a boyfriend? A: 45 minutes. Q: What defines the difference between a wife and a girlfriend? A: 30 pounds. Q: What should you do if both your wife and your lawyer were drowning? A: Have lunch and take in a movie. Q: Why didn't the man speak to his wife for eighteen straight months? A: He didn't want to interrupt her. Q: How are tornadoes and marriages alike? A: They both start off with a lot of blowing and sucking, but the end result is disastrous - you lose your house. Q: Did you hear they've discovered a new use for sheep in Wyoming? A: Wool. Q: What's a blonde's favorite nurery rhyme? A: Humpme, Dumpme. Q: What is the ideal weight for a lawyer? A: About three pounds, including the urn. Q: Did you hear about the terrorist who hijacked an entire plane filled with lawyers? A: He threatened to release one of them each hour until his demands were met. Q: What in an excellent place to find a good lawyer? A: In the cemetery. Q: What's the difference between a lawyer and a vampire? A: A vampire only sucks your blood at night. Q: What's the difference between a lawyer and a trampoline? A: You take your shoes off before you jump on a trampoline. Q: How do you prevent a lawyer from drowning? A: Shoot him before he hits the water. Q: What do you call a corrupt lawyer? A: Senator. Q: Why did the Italians lose World War 2? A: They ordered lasagna instead of shells. Q: What's brown and has holes in it? A: Swiss shit. Q: What is the most popular ride at a Mexican Carnival? A: Guess Your Age - One Dollar. Q: Did you hear about the new Jewish Santa Claus? A: He comes down the chimney on Christmas Eve and says, "Ho, ho, ho! Anybody want to buy some toys?" Two little 6 year olds are playing, when the boy looks at the girl and says, "I'd sure like to get into your pants." "Why?" the little girl asked. "Is it because you think I'm cute?" "No, it's because I just shit mine." Q: What did the Polish girl do after she dropped her bubble gum in the toilet? A: She chewed the shit out of it. Q: What is the difference between a rabbi and a priest? A: One cuts it off and one sucks it off. Q: What did the Polish chick say to her husband when she got horny? A: "Dear why don't you send the kids out to P-L-A-Y so that we can fuck?" Q: What's the difference between a man and a woman? A: For a man, foreplay is optional. Q: What did one black lesbian say to the other black lesbian? A: "You da man!" Two guys were drinking in a bar, and one told the other, "So, I fucked my wife in the ass last night." "No shit?" responded his friend. "Well, maybe a little." Q: What do you call a female turtle? A: A clitortoise. Q: What is the difference between a penis and a paycheck? A: You don't have to beg your wife to blow your paycheck. Q: What did the wife say to her stockbroker husband when he caught her cheating on him? A: "Sorry, Dear. I've gone public." Q: Why did the midget get kicked out of the nudist colony? A: He kept getting in everyone's hair. Daffynition - SEX. The most beautiful and natural thing that money can buy. The teenager said to his date: "Do you know the difference between a conversation and fucking?" "No, I don't." the hot chick said. "Then take off your clothes and lie down on my bed. I want to talk to you." Q: For what good reason do Japanese sumo wrestlers shave their legs? A: So they won't be confused with lesbians. The Irish high school girl came home one day and announced, "Mom! I have VD!" "Well, Darlin'," her mother replied, "Ye'd best put it in the basement. Yer father will drink anything!" Q: What do Pepsi and pussy have in common? A: They each have a really bad aftertaste. Q: Why did the feminoid cross the road? A: To suck my fucking dick! Q: How are women like toilet seats? A: Without the hole in the middle, neither is worth a shit. Q: What does 80 year old pussy taste like? A: Depends. Q: What did the draft dodging Slick Willie (the impeached rapist) like most about Monica Lewinsky? A: She had the prettiest smile he ever came across. Q: How do you embarrass an archeologist? A: Give him a used tampon and ask him to tell you which period it came from. Q: Why does Dr Pepper come in a bottle? A: His wife died. Q: How do you make five pounds of ugly fat look great? A: Put a nipple on it. A Polack is fucking his wife in the ass for the first time and she yells, "Ouch! That hurts!" "No, it doesn't! It feels great!" Q: Why do Italian chicks always spend so much time in the beauty parlor? A: The estimate alone take alone takes three hours. Q: What did the nun do when she got tired of candles? A: She hired an electrician. Q: How can you spot the redneck at Sea World? A: He's the one carrying a fishing pole. Q: What do a priest and a Christmas tree have in common? A: Their balls are just for show. Q: What is the epitome of an "optimist"? A: An accordion player with a beeper. Q: Why was the Japanese leper forced to commit suicide? A: Because he lost face. Q: What is the surest sign that a guy truly loves a chick? A: When he divorces his wife. Q: What explains why a man has a clear conscience? A: Because he never uses it. Q: What is the difference between attending a singles bar and attending a circus? A: In the circus, the clowns don't talk. Q: What do you call an all-Italian slum? A: A spaghetto. Q: Why did the turd cross the road? A: The chicken forgot to wipe his ass. Q: What proves that men with pierced earrings will make high- qualified husbands? A: They have already experienced great pain and have purchased jewelry. Q: What is the definition of marriage? A: A very expensive way to get your laundry done. Q: A guy walks up to a flashy chick and says to her, "Do you know how many animals had to die to give you that fur coat?" A: "Do you know how many animals I had to FUCK to earn this coat?" Q: What do a lawyer and a fag prostitute have in common? A: They both earn their livings fucking people in the ass. Q: How did the faggot burn his asshole? A: He forgot to blow out the candle. Q: What prompted the doctors to give the faggot with AIDS six more weeks to live? A: A gerbil came out of his ass and saw its own shadow. Q: How can you tell you are in a gay amusement park? A: They pass out gerbils in the Tunnel of Love. Q: What is a lesbian's favorite flavor of ice cream? A: Anchovy. Q: How do faggots like their eggs? A: Up their asses. My Mother wanted me to be a priest. Can you imagine giving up your sex life; and then once a week people come in to tell you the details and highlights of theirs? Irish Confession: I went into the confessional box after many years of being away from the Catholic Church. Inside I found a fully equipped bar with Guinness on tap. On one wall, there was a row of decanters with fine Irish whiskey and Waterford crystal glasses. On the other wall was a dazzling array of the finest cigars and chocolates. When the priest came in, I said to him, "Father, forgive me, for it's been a very long time since I've been to confession, but I must first admit that the confessional box is much more inviting than it used to be." He replied, "You moron, you're sitting on my side." An Irishman's first drink with his son: While reading an article last night about fathers and sons, memories came flooding back to the time I took me son out for his first pint. Off we went to our local pub only two blocks from the cottage. I got him a Guinness. He didn't like it, so I drank it. Then I got him a Kilkenny's, he didn't like that either, so I drank it. Finally, I thought he might like some Harp Lager? He didn't. I drank it. I thought maybe he'd like whisky better than beer so we tried a Jameson's; nope! In desperation, I had him try that rare Redbreast, Ireland's finest whisky. He wouldn't even smell it. What could I do but drink it? By the time I realized he just didn't like to drink, I was so shit-faced I could hardly push his stroller back home! Q: How do you know you're first date is going to be great? A: You ask her to dance and she strips and stands on the table. Q: Why couldn't the Polcack call 911? A: There was no 11 on his phone. Q: Why couldn't the Polcack call 911? A: There was no 11 on his phone. Q: How did the Polish skydiver die? A: He missed the Earth. Q: What do you call a Puerto Rican midget? A: A speck. Q: How is an ugly chick like a bedspread? A: They both get turned down every night. Q: What is sexual harassment? A: That's when you talk dirty to a chick. When a chick talks dirty to you, it's $9.95 a minute. Q: What is the definition of a sadist? A: A guy who rapes a deaf and dumb chick, then cuts off both her hands so she can't scream for help. Q: What do you call a fag with diarrhea? A: A juicy fruit. Q: What do you call a Polack who marries a black chick? A: A social climber. Customer to waiter: How do you prepare your chicken? Waiter to customer: Nothing fancy. We just tell them straight out that they're gonna die. Q: How about the new M&M condoms? A: They melt in your mouth. Q: Did you hear about the new Star Trek condoms? A: They boldly go where no man has come before. Q: How many Deadheads does it take to change a lightbulb? A: None. After it burns out they follow it around for years. Q: What does Ellen Degenerate do every day at noon? A: Eats a box lunch. Q: What did the bumper sticker on Ellen Degenerates' car say? A: Save a tree; eat a beaver. Q: What is Ellen Degenerate's favorite flavor of ice cream? A: Anchovy. Q: Where did Michael Jackson go to find dates? A: Boys R Us. Q: How do we know that Ellen Degenerate is a dyke? A: She kick-starts her own vibrator and rolls her own tampons. Q: What would Princess Di be doing if she were alive today? A: Scratching at her coffin lid. Q: Who taught Princess Di's chauffeur how to drive? A: Teddy Kennedy. Q: What does Oprah Winfrey's boyfriend say to her when he wants to have sex? A: How now, brown cow. Q: What happened to Jesse HiJackson when he looked up his family tree? A: A monkey pissed on him. Q: Why did Richard Gere have to check into a hospital? A: To have a mole removed. Q: What do you get when you put 50 monkeys in front of 50 typewriters? A: The entire working staff of the New York Times. Q: What is really old and moldy and writes mysteries? A: Agatha Crusty. Q: What did Jodie Foster say to Ellen Degenerate at the dyke bar? A: Your face or mine? Q: What did Jodie Foster say to Ellen Degenerate at the dyke bar? A: Your face or mine? Q: What is brown and hides in the attic? A: The Diarrhea of Anne Frank. Q: What do you call a Nazi who likes little rodents up his ass? A: Joseph Gerbils. Q: What was the difference between Tiger Woods and Princess Di? A: Tiger Woods had a dependable driver. Q: Why did the leper lose at poker with Mother Teresa? A: Because he threw in his hand. Q: What was Princess Di's chauffeur drinking the night of her crash? A: Harvey Wallbangers. Q: Why did Princess Di hate chauffeurs? A: They drove her up a wall. Q: What was the last thing that Princess Di said to the paparazzi? A: Don't take my bloody picture! Q: What is the difference between Roseanne and the Hells Angels? A: The motorcycle. Q: What is the difference between Ellen Degenerate and a whoopee cushion? A: A whoopee cushion is a funny stunt. Q: How do we know that Abraham Lincoln was Jewish? A: Because he got shot in the temple. Q: What was the difference between Princess Di and an NFL team? A: The football team came out the tunnel on Sunday. Q: How did Princess Di stay so thin? A: She went on a crash diet. Q: What was Princess Di wearing the night of her accident? A: Crushed velvet. Q: From what did Princess Di really die? A: Carpool tunnel syndrome. Q: What happened to Princess Di when she stayed out past midnight? A: She turned into a concrete wall. Q: What did Princess Di and George Burns have in common? A: They both died when they hit 100. Q: What was the difference between Neil Armstrong and Michael Jackson? A: One was the first one two walk on the moon and the other fucked little boys up the ass. Q: What is worse than having your doctor tell you you have AIDS? A: Having your mother tell you. Q: What does Good Humor sell in San Francisco? A: Cocksicles. Q: What is the difference between a bar and a clitoris? A: Most men have no trouble finding a bar. This man has been stranded on a deserted island for about ten years. Suddenly a beautiful, stacked redhead comes out of the surf, and says to him, "How long has it been since you've had a cigarette?" "Ten years," he answered. She reached towards a fanny pack, which she unzipped, and pulled out a cigarette. The man lights it, takes a puff, and says, "Wow! That was good!" "How long has it been since you've had a shot of good whiskey?" She asked next. "Ten years," he answered. She reached towards her fanny pack, which she unzipped, and pulled out of bottle of Chivas Regal, and handed it to him. He opened it, took a swig, and said, "Wow! that was good!" She started to unzip the front of her wet suit and said, "How long has it been since you've had a tremendously good time?" "Holy SHIT!" he said, "Don't tell me you have a set of golf clubs inside there, too?" Q: What do lesbians use for lubricant? A: Tartar sauce. Q: Did you hear about the flasher who was considering retirement? A: He decided to stick it out for another year. Q: What is 69 plus 69? A: Dinner for four. Q: Hear the one about the Eskimo chick who a one-night stand? A: When she woke up, she was six months pregnant. Q: What do you call it when you save up money for prostitution? A: A thrust fund. Q: What's the difference between a typical man and ET? A: ET phoned home. Q: What do you call a guy who wants to have sex on the second date? A: Slow. Q: Why is psychoanalysis quicker for men than for women? A: When it's time to go back to childhood, men are always there. Q: What is the difference between a tick and a lawyer? A: A tick stops sucking your blood when you die. Q: Why did the Post Office have to recall new stamps with pictures of lawyers on them? A: Customers couldn't decide on which side to spit. Q: What is the lawyers creed? A: A man is innocent until proven broke. Q: Why surefire proof do you have that it is truly cold out? A: You see lawyers with their hands in their OWN pockets. Q: Why was Tigger's head in the toilet? A: He was looking for Pooh. Q: What is every man's idea of the ideal romantic setting? A: A candlelit football stadium. Q: Why did the man cross the road? A: He heard the chicken was a slut. Q: Why don't men blink during foreplay? A: They don't have the time. Q: Why do men like to talk dirty? A: So they can later wash their mouths out with beer. Q: What is the difference between a lawyer and a porcupine? A: A lawyer has his pricks on the inside. Q: How do you kill pink elephant? A: Go on the wagon. Q: Where do cannibals prefer to shop for furniture? A: Eatin' Allen's. Q: When do cannibals leave the dinner table? A: When everyone's eaten. Q: What is a cannibal's favorite game? A: Swallow the leader. Q: What do you get at Jeffrey Dahmer's new restaurant? A: An arm and a leg. Q: What do you all it when Jeffrey Dahmer eats two politicians? A: A baloney sandwich. Q: What did Jeffrey Dahmer order at the Italian restaurant? A: A pizza with everyone on it. Q: What did Jeffrey Dahmer get when he came home late for dinner? A: A cold shoulder. Q: What can a bird do that a man can't? A: Whistle through his pecker. Q: What is the difference between a man and a lawnmower? A: The lawnmower doesn't bitch after it cuts the grass. Q: What is the difference between a man and a lawnmower? A: The lawnmower doesn't bitch after it cuts the grass. Q: What do you call a Polack with half a brain? A: Gifted. Q: What do you call in intelligent man in Poland? A: A tourist. Q: Did you hear about the Polack who watched "Sixty Minutes"? A: It took him an hour and a half. Q: How can a chick tell if she is way too fat? A: Her yearbook photo must be taken by helicopter. Q: Why does a black man have to buy two tickets to the zoo? A: One to get in, and one to get out. WAYS TO TELL YOU'RE NOT A KID ANY MORE: 1. You're dating a chick half your age and you're not breaking any laws. 2. You can live without sex, but not without glasses. 3. Your favorite cable station is the Weather Channel. 4. You actually make an appointment to see the dentist. 5. You have a party and the neighbors don't complain about the noise. Q: How can you tell that you are at a Mexican wedding? A: You get stabbed after you kiss the bride. Q: What did the Puerto Rican kid give his father for Christmas? A: An alibi. Q: What happened to the Polack when he jumped off the Empire State Building? A: He got lost. Q: Did you hear the one about the dyslexic devil worshipper? A: He worshipped Santa. Q: What happened when someone threw a beer at Bill Clinton when he was jogging? A: It was a draft, so he successfully dodged it. Q: What is the difference between a Northern zoo and a Southern zoo? A: A Northern zoo posts the name of the animal and also its scientific name. A Southern zoo posts the name of the animal and its recipe. Q: How do blonde brain cells die? A: Alone. Q: How are chicks and rocks alike? A: You skip the flat ones. Q: What do you call two lesbian skunks having sex? A: Odor eaters. Q: Why couldn't Helen Keller drive? A: Because she was a woman. Q: How is the Italian Olympic swim team like the sinking of the Exxon Valdez? A: Both caused huge oil slicks. Q: What do you see when you look at the audience of the Grand Ole Opry? A: The same three genes. Q: What is the difference between a moral redneck and an immoral redneck? A: A moral redneck won't fuck his own daughter until she turns 13. Q: What is the one thing that all men in singles bars have in common? A: They're married. Q: Why do all birds flying over California fly upside down? A: Because the entire State is not worth shitting on. Q: How can you tell if a flasher is Polish? A: He is exposing himself outside a school for the blind. Q: Did you hear about the dyslexic rabbi? A: He went around saying, "Oy!" Q: What do you get when you cross a Polack with an American Indian? A: A boy named Running Dumb. Q: Why did the WASP couple do it Doggie style? A: So they could both watch Jeopardy. Q: What did the zen master say to the hotdog vendor? A: Make me one with everything. Q: How can you tell when a fur coat is being worn by a Polack? A: It has tire tread marks on it. Q: Why didn't Saddamy Insane go bar hopping? A: He could get bombed at home. Q: Which of these three doesn't belong? A dog, a horse, and a Polack. A: Polack. The other two pee outside, a Polack pees in the sink. Q: Did you hear about the KKK's new lynching rope? A: It's called Snare Jordan. Q: What did they find when they took down the Berlin Wall? A: The Polish national hide-and-seek-champion. Q: Did you hear about the new "SCUD" beer? A: You have to drink two dozen of them before it hits you. Q: Did you hear about the Polish prisoner who was found unconscious with 14 bumps on the top of his head? A: He tried to hang himself with a rubber band. Q: Who says, "First, second, third, home...First, second, third, home..." A: A Polish batter walking up to the plate. Q: What's the longest sporting even in history? A: The slam-dunk contest in an all-white high school. Q: Why do cowboys chew tobacco? A: To sweeten their breath. Q: How can you tell the Vietnamese entry in the Olympic sailing team? A: They have 478 people in one boat. Q: What do you call the Polish sky diving team? A: Air pollution. Q: Why don't Hawaiian chicks ever surf? A: They are afraid of getting harpooned. Q: What do you call a Vietnamese walking four dogs? A: A caterer. Q: All the famous WASPs are listed in Who's Who. Where are all the famous Polacks listed? A: Who? Q: What is the Italian diet? A: You clean your nails and you lose 20 pounds. Q: How is an Irishman like a houseplant? A: If he's not potted, he's dead. Q: How can you tell if a chick's boyfriend is Polish? A: From the bruises around her navel. Q: How do you keep an Italian kid busy for hours? A: Tell him to alphabetized an entire bag of M&Ms. Q: How do you drown a JAP? A: Glue a diamond to the bottom of her swimming pool. Q: How are postal employees like sperm cells? A: Only one in three million does any work. Q: How is a JAP like a miner? A: To get gold and diamonds, she has to work the shaft. Q: Why is the crew for a SCUD missile in Iran always made up of three men? A: One to load it, one to fire it, and one to run home and watch CNN to see where it lands. Q: What is the name of the new department store in Iran? A: Target. Q: What is the national bird of Iran? A: Duck. Q: What do White people's asses and lips have in common? A: They are both flat. Q: What is the quickest way to get 18 illegal aliens out of a Chevy pickup truck? A: Throw in a bar of soap. Q: What is the quickest way to get 18 illegal aliens into a Chevy pickup truck? A: Throw in a can of beans. Q: Have you seen the new ad for BMW in Ebony Magazine? A: It says, You already own the radio, now own the car. Q: What is the difference between a Harlem mother and a Scarsdale mother? A: The Scarsdale mother cannot wait until her daughter is old enough to walk; the Harlem mother cannot wait until her daughter is old enough to street walk. Q: What is the NYC Central Park Zoo? A: Where there are thick, strong bars around the lions, tigers, and bears...for THEIR protection. Q: What formerly made Michael Jackson feel nostalgic? A: Recalling the feeling of blowing his first nose. Q: What did Michael Jackson and paper napkins have in common? A: They both were dyed white. Q: How do you sleep like a politician? A: First you lie on one side, then you lie on the other. Q: Did you hear what caused the death of Woody Allen's latest lover? A: Crib death. Q: What is the biggest drawback for Woody Allen having an Asian lover? A: Half an hour after having sex, he's horny again. Q: What is the worst selling celebrity product of the year? A: Arnold Schwarzegger toilet paper - it's rough, tough, and doesn't take any shit off of anyone. Q: Did you hear that Buckwheat changed his name when he later became Muslim? A: He's now known as Kareem of Wheat. Q: What do you call a comedian whose shorts are too tight? A: Dickie Smothers. Q: If faggots get AIDS from butt fucking, how do LA Laker girls get AIDS? A: Magic. Q: What looks like a dog and has Wings? A: Linda McCartney. Q: What is Woody Allen's philosophy on child rearing? A: Spare the rod and spoil the child. Q: Did you hear about the new Magic Johnson porno flick? A: It's called Lethal Weapon 5. Q: When did Magic Johnson's wife first suspect he had an STD? A: When he began to dribble before he shot. Q: What was the difference between Teddy Kennedy and the Iraqi Army? A: Teddy Kennedy had at least one confirmed kill. Q: What do Fred Flintstone and South Central L A have in common? A: They both live next door to rubble. Q: Did you hear about the latest arrest of Rotney King? A: He was charged with impersonating a pinata. Q: What's the difference between PeeWee Herman and Rotney King? A: PeeWee Harman beats himself. Q: What did Pee Wee Herman say when the judge asked him if he wanted a lawyer? A: "No thanks, I can get myself off." Q: What is Pee Wee Herman's favorite restaurant? A: The Palm. Q: Did you hear about the new Pee Wee Herman movie? A: It's coming in a theater near you. Q: Why did ET so desperately want to phone home? A: His girlfriend's name was EZ. Q: Did you hear about the last re-election slogan for Teddy Kennedy? A: "A blonde in every pond." Q: Did you hear about the new mens' magazine for Evangelicals? A: It's called RePenthouse. Q: What is the most time-consuming part of having sex with Oprah Winfrey? A: Setting up all the on- and off-ramps. Q: What is the best place for Dolly Parton to hide things from her husband? A: On her forehead. Q: What do you get when you cross a Kennedy with a Jew? A: An alcoholic who buys his booze wholesale. Q: How did Helen Keller pierce her ears? A: Answering the stapler. Q: What was the first question Helen Keller asked her teacher when she learned hoe to communicate? A: "Are your tits bigger than mine?" Q: What proof do we have that Cinderella was a virgin? A: She always ran away from a ball. Q: How do you titillate an ocelot? A: Oscillate her tits a lot. Q: What can a duck do that a goose can't and a doctor should? A: Stick a bill up his ass. Q: What animal wears the biggest sized bra? A: A Zebra. Q: What do you call two skunks doing "69" ? A: Odor eaters. Q: How does an elephant get off on an oak tree? A: He hits on an acorn and then waits. Q: What is a good clue that your husband hates cats? A: He fills the litter box with quick-drying cement. Q: What is the biggest difference between a fly and a mosquito? A: You can't unzip a mosquito. Q: What has claws, whisker, fur, and a tail, and sees equally well from either end? A: A blind cat. A guy walks into the veterinarian and says, "Hey, Doc. I would like to cut off my pet Lab's tail." "Dude! That's cruel. Why on God's green earth would you want to do that?" "Well, my Mother-in-law is coming over tonight to stay with me, and I don't want there to be an outside chance she will feel welcome." So, a guy calls up his next door neighbor, and says, "I just got a new pitbull and wonder if your kids would like to come over and play with it." "I don't know, Hal. I heard that pitbulls are dangerous. Don't they bite?" "I don't know. That's what I want to find out." Q: What did the Russian call his pet rodent? A: Comrat. Q: Why was the magician late for his stage show? A: He washed his hare, and couldn't do a thing with it. Q: What kind of snake joined the Canadian Police Force? A: Mountie Python. Q: What kind of snake likes mustard and ketchup? A: An anacondiment. Q: What do you call a snake that squeezes Miss Derek to death? A: A Bo constrictor. Q: What do you call a well-behaved snake? A: A civil serpent. Q: What is a good way to tell that you are getting REALLY old? A: Your wife trusts you. Q: What do you call a promiscuous nun? A: A roamin' Catholic. Q: What has four legs, is green and furry, and will kill you if it falls on you out of a tree? A: A pool table. A woman sued her doctor for failing to diagnose a serious kidney ailment. Her friend asked her, "So, Mary, what can you say about the outcome of that?" "Well, Helen, there was some good news and some bed news." "What were the good news and the bad news?" "The good news is that I got a free kidney transplant out of the deal. The bad news is that it cost me an arm and a leg." Q: Why did the lawyer pick 12 black men to serve on the jury? A: He wanted to have a hung jury. Q: How can you tell when you really ARE getting old? A: When life insurance salesmen stop calling. Q: What is the difference between a lawyer in the courtroom and a corpse in the courtroom? A: One just lies there, and the other just lies, there. Q: What's the difference between butt-fucking and golf? A: In golf, one bad hole won't kill you. Q: What did the pyromaniac do when he got convicted at trial? A: He fired his lawyer. Q: Did you hear the one about the nun who became a hooker? A: She'd still suck you off, out of habit. Q: What is a Catholic priest favorite dish? A: Cream of altar boy. Q: Why are Catholic priests so opposed to abortion? A: So there will be more little boys to molest. I too was once a male trapped in a female’s body...but them I was born. Q: How can you tell your priest is gay? A: When he substitutes a hot dog for the Host. Q: Why are dead babies from Chernobyl so much in demand? A: Because they also make such great flashlights. Q: Why did the cannibals in a deal with the abortion clinic? A: Because a fetus makes great hors d'oeuvre. Q: What do you do with dead baby twins? A: Use one to swat the flies gathering on the other. Q: What do you do when your baby dies on Thanksgiving? A: Stuff the turkey with it. Q: What do you have when you strap dead babies to your feet? A: Slippers. Q: What do you call a dead baby on a Cadillac? A: A hood ornament. Q: How can you tell if the crooks who burgled your house were gay? A: You come home and find all your furniture tastefully re-arranged. Q: What do Dr Spock and a pedophile have in common? A: They're both experts in child rearing. Q: What is the best way for a faggot to avoid AIDS? A: Sit down and shut up. Q: Why is the word "butt" the most lethal word in the English language? A: If you either smoke 'em or poke 'em, you'll end up dead. Q: What epitaph did the family put on their gay son's headstone? A: Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust. If he's stuck to pussy, He'd still be with us. Q: Did you hear about the new gay adventure film? A: It's called "Rambutt." Q: Did you hear about the blonde lesbian? A: She forgot and had sex with guys, occasionally. Q: How can you tell if a chick is a dyke? A: She uses SOS pads instead of kotex. Q: Why do gay Puerto Ricans make such terrible basketball players? A: They are poor team players; they prefer only to play Juan-on-Juan. Q: Why did the faggot get thrown out of West Point? A: For switching Majors. Q: Why are faggots such a terrible idea for composing members of the Air Force? A: Too many tail gunners, not enough pilots. Q: Did you hear about the new Army unit made entirely out of faggots? A: They are called the Pink Berets, and their mission is to infiltrate the enemies' rear areas. Two friends were comparing woes. One said, "Last week was the worst week of my life. I took my wife to Florida for a vacation. It rained all week, and she stayed in stores and ran up thousands of dollars in charges on my credit card. "Then, when I got back, my brother-in-law had embezzled tens of thousands of dollars from my business. "The next day, I walked into my office and found my son brutally fucking my best model on my desk." The other friend replied, "Last week was the worst week of my life. I took my wife to Florida for a vacation. It rained all week, and she stayed in stores and ran up thousands of dollars in charges on my credit card. "Then, when I got back, my brother-in-law had embezzled tens of thousands of dollars from my business. "The next day, I walked into my office and found my son brutally fucking my best model on my desk." "Just how is that in ANY way different from my worst week?" "Because YOUR business is photography. MINE is manufacturing men's underwear." Q: What proves that sex nowadays is dangerous? A: It's safer to skip straight to the cigarette. A handsome college student's car breaks down in a slum, so he gets out to thumb a ride. A middle-aged man drives up and asks him, "Are you a Democrat or a Republican?" "I am a Democrat," he answered. He gets a middle finger and a drive off. A middle-aged woman drives up and asks him, "Are you a Democrat or a Republican?" "I am a Democrat," he again answers. He gets another middle finger and another drive off. Pretty soon a hot chick drives up and asks him, "Are you a Democrat or a Republican?" "I am a Democrat," he answers, having learned his lesson about the neighborhood. As the stacked hot chick drives her convertible down the road, the wind blows her blouse open, revealing her boobs which are every bit as beautiful as they are big. "Stop the car! Stop the car!" he yells. "What's wrong?" she understandably asks. "I've only been a Democrat for five minutes, and already I feel like screwing someone!" Q: How can you tell if your wife is getting too fat? A: Every time she jumps into the swimming pool, she gives your car a wash. Q: How can you tell if your wife is getting too fat? A: You plan a candlelight dinner and have to sell your car to pay for all the food. Q: How can you tell when your wife is getting too fat? A: She's got so many rolls, you have to use a bookmark to find her pussy. Q: How can you tell that your wife is getting too fat? A: When she goes to Sea World, Shamu gets a hardon. Q: What can a chick do to interest her husband into performing oral sex? A: Douche with beer. Q: What can a chick do to force her husband to do sit-ups? A: Put the TV remote between his toes. Q: What should a chick do to find out what life is like without a man around? A: Get married. So the player spies a hot chick inside a bar and announces to his two pals, "Watch the master at work, men!" He then proceeds to walk up to her, and says, "Hey, good-lookin', haven't I seen you before?" "As a matter of fact, you have." "So, how do I know you?" he asks, taken aback by her unexpected response. "I'm the receptionist at the VD clinic." Q: What is an excellent clue that your wife is way too fat? A: She falls asleep next to the ocean and six lifeguards run up and try to roll her back out to sea. Q: What is the only thing that allows a married woman to have a sex life? A: Half time. Q: Define the difference between a husband and a lawyer. A: The same as the difference between ten minutes and whole hour. Q: What are three miracles? A: The parting of the Red Sea, water turned into wine, and your wife saying, "Would you like a blowjob?" Q: Hear about the vacuum manufacturer that came with a vibrating attachment? A: It is called Electro-Fucks. Q: How did the whole squadron of Navy pilots come down simultaneously with VD? A: They all made a landing on the same carrier. Q: How can you tell if your wife is truly ugly? A: She is sunbathing naked on the beach when a gang of Hells Angels rides up, surrounds her, and gang-dresses her. Q: What compliment can you pay to a chick who has no arms and no legs? A: Nice tits. Q: What kind of fur would your mother-in-law look best in? A: Pit bull. Q: What is the least sensitive part of the penis? A: The man. Q: What is the difference between a man and a cat? A: One is a finicky eater that couldn't care less if you lived or died; the other is merely a house pet. Q: How can a chick tell if her date is a real loser? A: When his hobby is collecting dust. Q: Why are the Japanese as a race so smart? A: No blondes. Q: How do you compel a blonde to marry you? A: Tell her she's pregnant. Q: Why did the golfer have such a terrible sex life? A: It was his short putts. Q: Did you hear about the divorce lawyer whose services were guaranteed? A: "You must be satisfied, or you get your honey back." Q: What's the definition of a wet dream? A: Coming unscrewed. Q: Why is the new contraceptive sponge such a good idea? A: Because after sex, the chick can get up and wash the dishes. Q: What do a nympho and a shotgun have in common? A: One cock and they're ready to blow? Q: What is a Tempura House? A: A house for highly battered women. Q: Did you hear about the new home surgery kit? A: It's called Suture Self. Q: What's the primary difference between a tree and a leper? A: A tree has limbs. Q: Why shouldn't a little girl ever ask a man for a soda? A: Because he might make her cherry pop. Q: What did Jeffrey Dahmer say to one of his friends when he asked for a beer? A: "That'll cost you an arm and a leg." Q: How did the police know that Jeffrey Dahmer killed one man in his shower? A: They found his head and shoulders. Q: What could be found in Jeffrey Dahmer's refrigerator? A: Ground Chuck. Q: What was Jeffrey Dahmer's favorite food? A: Finger sandwiches. Q: How did Jeffrey Dahmer get away with murder for so long? A: Because he had a lot of balls. Q: How do you get double protection? A: Buy a pitbull with AIDS. After years of marriage, the WASP was finally persuaded to have a baby. Ten months later, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She spent three more months on bed rest. Then, at the suggestion of her husband, she took the baby to the zoo to look at the animals. As they walked past the gorilla cage, the adult gorilla reached out, grabbed the baby, and ate her. A policeman soon arrived and tried to comfort the WASP by saying, "It's OK, lady. You and your husband can always have another kid." "Like Hell!" yelled the wife. You think I haven't got anything better to do than make babies and feed the gorillas? Q: What do you get when you cross a blonde with a pit bull? A: Your last blowjob, ever. Q: What music do they play at a skydiver's funeral? A: A RIP chord. Q: What was the name of the skydiver whose 'chute didn't open? A: Spot. Q: Why did the little girl stuff a rabbit into her vag? A: She wanted pubic hare. Q: What is a larger dose called? A: Genecider. Q: What you call apple juice laced with cyanide? A: Suicider. Q: What you call apple juice laced with cyanide? A: Suicider. Q: What is the golden shower enthusiast's favorite movie? A: Flushdance. Q: Why are golden shower enthusiasts proud to be called "perverts"? A: Because the word "pervert" begins with "pee..." Q: Why did the golden shower enthusiast make his girlfriend dress up like a fairy? A: So he could call her Tinkle Bell. Q: What's the definition of "panic"? A: When you are on an airliner just lifting off and the pilot announces on the PA, "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking, and my name is Mohammed..." Q: How can you tell that you are flying on Puerto Rican airlines? A: When you reach your destination you have to steal back your own luggage. Q: How can you tell if you're flying Vatican Airlines? A: The emergency escape instructions are printed in Latin so that Catholics can get out first. Q: Did you hear about the Polack who drowned inside his own home? A: He was constipated, and the doctor gave him a powerful laxative and told him to stay in bed. A man came home from work early and found his wife in bed, naked, and next to her was a cigar butt in the ashtray. "Where did THAT come from?" he exclaimed. "From Cuba!" said the stupid naked Polack who popped out of the closet. Q: How can you tell you are in a Jewish mother's house? A: There is even a safety mat in the bird bath. Q: What is a sure test of authenticity in a Polish girl? A: When a mosquito bites her, he vomits. Q: What do you call an Iraqi soldier with a medal? A: A thief. Q: What is the difference between a Polack and a turd? A: The color . Q: Why are golfers such terrible lovers? A: Because they can't get used to the fact that the hole is in the middle of the rough. Q: Why wouldn't the nudist team join the baseball league? A: They only would play in exhibition games. Q: What should you do if ever you get attacked by an Iranian tank? A: Shoot the guys pushing it. Q: Did you hear about the new Iranian laxative? A: Every time they hear a US plane, they shit. Q: Did you hear about the new Israeli Army doll for girls? A: It's called G I JAP. Q: What's the difference between an American Airlines plane and a Mexican Airlines one? A: On the American Airlines, the steward offers you a drink for $5. On the Mexican Airlines plane, the steward offers you his sister for $5. Q: What kind of dress does an Italian woman wear that looks authentic? A: One with wine stains in front and shit stains in back. Q: What is the definition of a premature baby in Harlem? A: ONe who is born before the mother becomes addicted to crack. Q: What's different about the Warsaw stadium? A: The artificial turf died. Q: Did you hear how the Klansman who was a bedwetter addressed that problem? A: He attended meetings in a rubber sheet. Q: Why won't they let Puerto Ricans pilot the Stealth bombers? A: Because they always squeal the tires, honk the horn, and play the radio too loudly. Q: Why did the Scotsman take up golf after nearly ten years away? A: He found his missing ball. Q: Did you hear about the Italian girl who nearly died from ballet? A: The first time she did a pirouette, the hair in her armpits nearly strangled her. Q: Did you hear the one about the Jewish bandit who walked into a department store with a pricing gun? A: He yelled, "Give me all your money, or I'll mark down the price on every item in the place!" Q: Did you hear the one about the Polish prankster? A: He walked into a fire and yelled, "Theater!" Q: What is the difference between a redneck wedding and an urban wedding? A: The redneck wedding is never consummated until the bride is weaned. Q: Did you hear about the terrorist who visited his folks at home? A: Just to make him feel at home, they bombed his bedroom. Q: Did your hear about the first "beautiful body" contest they held in Moscow? A: The winner was a phone booth. Q: How does an Italian chick shave her armpits? A: She uses up two fresh razor blades, then dynamites the stumps. Q: Did you hear about the new Polish helicopter? A: The pilot's chair is an ejection seat. Q: Did you hear about the Puerto Rican who called the Suicide Hotline for help? A: They sent two guys over to shoot him. Q: Did you hear about the new Polish smoke detector? A: It comes with a snooze alarm. Q: Did you hear about the Beverly Hills juvenile delinquent? A: He was too young to drive, so only stole cars with chauffeurs. Q: Did you hear about the new Iraqi Army flag? A: It's a white cross on a solid white background.